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Welcome to the ThinkFood Galley Platform

This platform is conceived to supply you with all necessary tools and knowledge to be the best chief cook you can be. This platform is feature-packed with food theory, tips and tricks, recipes, menus, know-how, experience, ... Bookmark this page and consult its updated content on a regular basis.

For a full introduction of the platform, click here. To see what's new, look below.

Enjoy the ride!

May 22, 2021

Everybody enjoying life on board? Well, we just worked like everybody else, resulting in about 30 new recipes in the sections Mediterranean Fish and Seafood and World Noodles. You know where to check'm out! We have now added more than 600 recipes and useful tips to the cookbook. If you want to add your own recipes in one of these sections, be advised: our new Content Incentive assignment is coming shortly.

may 2, 2021

How many of you clicked on our April Fool's message? Cheeky, I know! We have added some new recipes in the Savory coffeetime section. Be aware that some of these recipes might also be interesting for starter. Some recipes are true examples of “second life“ components. Go check it out right here

April 1, 2021

We have added a new section called “road-kill“. Within this section you will find some nice recipes on how to prepare any kind of meat and fish that is found on occasion or which is struck by the vessel or a taxi during shore leave. For more information, click here

March 8, 2021

We keep adding more and more content along the way. We have reached the 470 recipe mark. This is about 10% of the current potential this platform has. Check out our new additions in all categories. New Philippino recipes have been added here. You think you can do better? Send us your recipes and let us be the judge.

February 28, 2021

Early Sunday morning, we have reached a milestone on this platform, with 359 recipes currently online. We have added new content to the Indian cuisine. To check it out, click here. Our Tips & tricks section now includes some interesting tips on how to process meat and fish. Check it out here. Do you already know what entry you will send in for the month of April? Click here for a quick reminder.

February 27, 2021

We know, it's Saturday, but just like you, we never rest. We have added a new section in Breakfast, called cold cuts. Check out how these can help you out giving second life to certain products here. Within the same mindset, we have added some nice alternative breakfast recipes for second life food. Check them out here. Want to find out how to double shelf life of your lettuce? Or you want to tackle pouched eggs in an easy way? find out the new content in our Tips & tricks section.

February 23, 2021

We are continuously adding content to the cookbook. Find new entries in Soup, Starters, Pastry, Desserts and Eastern European categories. We have also added some pasta dishes for easy lunch. Want to add your own content? click here and enter our monthly Content Incentive Assignment.

February 18, 2021

Content Incentive Assignment: We have informed the Master of your new assignment. For more details on the assignment, go and check it out here.

February 17, 2021

We have added an easy-to-use ingredient converter to our Menu planner document. The ingredient converter will enable you to convert measures from metric to imperial and vice versa. Go and check it out here.

February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Many thanks for taking extra care of your crew today!

February 7, 2021

Next week is Valentine's day. An excellent day to add even more love to your food than normal. For some festive desserts, consult our Pastry and Desserts pages.

February 6, 2021

Our first recipes have been added to the platform. We have added recipes to Bread, Coffeetime and Stocks, fonds and sauces. For instructions on how to use the cookbook, click here.

February 5, 2021

MSCC Phase Two is available online. Phase Two focuses on menu development and time management. By good planning you can optimize your time management and reduce workload drastically. To read more, click here.

February 1, 2021

MSCC Phase One is available online. Phase one upgrades your activities in the galley towards improved food safety, HACCP and administrative standards. To read more, click here.

Think Food Galley Platform

This platform is conceived to supply you with all necessary tools and knowledge to be the best chief cook you can be. This platform is feature-packed with food theory, tips and tricks, recipes, menus, know-how, experience, ... It is a platform for you but also from you. Besides the recipes and content provided by Think Food Consulting, you are invited to share your own knowledge through our incentive program. On a monthly basis, the best targeted contribution to our platform will be featured, incorporated in the platform and rewarded.

Our goals

Of course this platform serves more than one purpose.  Not only do we aim to give all the necessary support, we aim to tackle most issues that are still commonly found on all freight vessels. We will do this on all vessels at the same time, in corporation with the shipping company and your captain. Case studies will give a clear indication of which issues are local and which are structural. The structural issues will be assessed with the company and will be tackled case by case. Focus will be on increased hygiene, food safety, HACCP and time-management.

Our commitment

This platform implies a mutual commitment. We expect you to work with this platform and put in extra effort whenever we implement an upgrade, post a case study or organize our monthly contest. Your efforts will be answered with monthly updates on this platform but most of all with a personal follow-up by the galley coach, this 24/7.   For this, use the contact the galley coach button above. We have also made this platform accessible, not only on the ship's computer but also on your own laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Enjoy the ride!

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