Every day people all over the world get sick from the food they eat. This sickness is called foodborne disease and is caused by dangerous microorganisms and/or toxic chemicals.
Most foodborne disease is preventable with proper food handling.
Microorganisms are very small living things, so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are three different types of microorganisms: the good, the bad and the dangerous.
Good microorganisms are useful. They contribute to:
Bad microorganisms, or spoilage microorganisms, do not usually make people sick, but they cause our food to smell bad, taste horrible and look disgusting. Dangerous microorganisms make people sick and can even kill. These are called "pathogens". Most of these microorganisms do not change the appearance of the food.
Microorganisms are so small that it takes 1 million to cover the head of a pin. Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, moulds and parasites are all microorganisms.
The smell, taste and appearance of food are not good indicators of whether the food will make you sick. Some spoilage microorganisms do change the appearance of food and are dangerous. An example is the green mould on bread which can produce toxins. Examples of common dangerous foodborne microorganisms include:
Microorganisms are everywhere, but are mostly found in:
o Faeces
o Soil and water
o Rats, mice, insects and pests
o Domestic, marine and farm animals
o People (bowel, mouth, nose, intestines, hands, fingernails and skin)
Most microorganisms "grow" by multiplication. To multiply, microorganisms need:
o Food
o Water
o Time
o Warmth
Meat, seafood, cooked rice, cooked pasta, milk, cheese and eggs are foods that provide ideal
conditions for microorganisms to grow.
The most common symptoms of foodborne disease are:
o Stomach pains
o Vomiting
o Diarrhea
The symptoms depend on the cause of the disease. Symptoms may occur very quickly after eating the food, or may take days or even weeks to appear. For most foodborne diseases, symptoms occur 24 -72 hours after the food has been eaten. Foodborne disease can lead to long-term health problems. Very severe diseases, including cancer, arthritis and neurological disorders can be caused by contaminated food.
Notify the master.
Microorganisms are not the only cause of foodborne illness. People also get sick from poisonous chemicals, which include:
o Natural toxins
o Metals and environmental pollutants
o Chemicals used for treating animals
o Improperly used pesticides
o Chemicals used for cleaning
o Improperly used food additives
Simple measures such as washing and peeling may reduce the risk from chemicals that are found on the surface of foods. Appropriate storage can avoid or reduce the formation of some natural toxins.
Core information:
While most microorganisms do not cause disease, dangerous microorganisms are widely found in soil, water, animals and people. These microorganisms are carried on hands, wiping cloths and utensils, especially cutting boards, and the slightest contact can transfer them to food and cause foodborne diseases.
How to keep yourself clean:
Hands frequently transport microorganisms from one place to another, so hand-washing is very important.
You should wash your hands:
To wash your hands you should:
o Wet hand under running water
o Rub hands together for at least 20 seconds with soap
o Rinse your hands under running water
o Dry hands thoroughly with a clean dry towel, preferably a paper towel
In general, one should:
For cleaning after the meal, one should:
Pests are rats, mice, birds, cockroaches, flies and other insects. Pet animals (dogs, cats, birds, etc.) carry microorganisms and pests (fleas, ticks, etc.) on their feet, fur and feathers.
To keep food safe from pests, one should:
Raw food, especially meat, poultry and seafood and their juices, can contain dangerous microorganisms which may be transferred onto other foods during food preparation and storage.
o Keeping raw and prepared food separate prevents the transfer of microorganisms.
o “Cross-contamination” is a term used to describe the transfer of microorganisms from raw to cooked food.
Core information:
Proper cooking can kill almost all dangerous microorganisms. Studies have shown that cooking food to a temperature of 75°C can help ensure it is safe for consumption. Foods that require special attention include minced meats, rolled roasts, large joints of meat and whole poultry.
Food must reach a temperature of 75°C in order to ensure it is safe to eat. A temperature of 75°C kills even high concentrations of microorganisms within 30 seconds. Use a thermometer to check that foods reach 75°C. Some audiences will need to be taught how to use a thermometer. Instructions for use are the following:
o Place the thermometer in the centre of the thickest part of the meat.
o Make sure the thermometer is not touching a bone or the side of the container.
o Make sure the thermometer is always cleaned and sanitized to avoid cross-contamination between raw and cooked meat.
If a thermometer is not available:
The centre of an intact piece of meat is often sterile. Most bacteria are in the outer surface. Eating intact pieces of meat (e.g. roast beef) with red centers is usually not dangerous. However, in minced meat, rolled roasts or poultry, bacteria can be found both outside and in the centre.
Lower cooking temperatures can be used to kill microorganisms in certain foods. With lower temperatures, more cooking time is required.
Reheat cooked food until is piping hot throughout
Core information:
Microorganisms can multiply very quickly if food is stored at room temperature. By holding at temperatures
below 5°C or
above 60°C, the growth of microorganisms is slowed down or stopped. Some dangerous microorganisms still grow below 5°C.
Microwave ovens can be used to thaw food, but can leave warm spots where microorganisms can grow. Food thawed in the microwave oven should be cooked promptly.
The danger zone is the temperature range of 5°C to 60°C in which microorganisms multiply very fast.
Refrigeration slows bacterial growth. However, even when food is stored in the refrigerator or freezer, microorganisms can grow.
Core information:
Raw materials, including water and ice, may be contaminated with dangerous microorganisms and chemicals. Toxic chemicals may be formed in damaged and mouldy foods. Care in selection of raw materials and simple measures such as washing and peeling may reduce risk.
“Safe” means that water is free from dangerous microorganisms and toxic chemicals at levels that could cause illness and/or disease.