In order to obtain linearity in the workplace on board, we have to aim for a uniform management of our administration. In doing so, the chief cook’s function and the tasks within his scope will become equal on every vessel.
In this administration we distinguish between galley archiving and ship’s office archiving and between analog and digital archiving. We limit ourselves to galley archiving.
In order for you to manage your administration you need to have easy access to all required documents. For this you are required to organize yourself accordingly.
On your desktop you should find a "Chief Cook" folder organized as shown below.
In case you don't find this folder on your desktop, create the "Chief Cook"folder and subfolders, add all documents and start your administration as such.
The subfolders “Catering documents”, “HACCP” and “Menu planner” shown above are the root folders and contain all blank documents needed for print and digital registration. The subfolder “reports” contains all evaluation documents. These are for consult purpose only.
The subfolder “Inventory” is an inventory archive. How to correctly use this archive:
The subfolder “Requisitions” is a requisition archive. How to correctly use this archive:
In case your requisition is proceeded by an inventory, you should use the inventory to add your requisition to it. In that case proceed as followed:
For exact instructions on how and when to make inventory and requisitions, consult "Procedures" on this platform.
In the “Menu Planner” folder you will find a blank menu planner document which consists of four tabs (shown on the bottom):
The week menu should be provided to the captain for revision and approval, one week before starting date of the menu. Mark alternative main courses (due to cultural or religious restrictions) in color as shown below left.
How to correctly archive your menus:
in case the captain asks you to adapt the menu, always save the approved version.
Analog administration implies that documents filled out by hand are archived in a physical folder in the galley. Analog archiving is done for:
It is imperative to keep this administration up to date every single day
How your analog administration should be organized:
How to correctly add documents: