Indian Sausage Roll Ring
Block puff pastry
Pepperoni slices
Minced pork
Sausage meat
Rapeseed oil
Cumin seeds
Onion, very finely chopped
Garlic, very finely chopped
Ginger, grated
Green chili, finely chopped
Chili powder
Fresh coriander, chopped
Garam masala
Egg wash glaze:
Egg, beaten
Kalonji seeds
Sesame seeds
Whole camembert
Spiced tomato chutney
Cranberry and red current chutney
2 x 500 grams
40 slices
800 grams
200 grams
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
2 cloves
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
Large pinch
1 tsp.
½ tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
To make the spiced pork filling:
1. Heat the oil and sauté cumin seeds then add the diced onion, grated ginger, garlic and a chopped chili. When soft leave to cool.
2. Mix the onion mixture with the minced pork, salt, chili powder, chopped coriander leaves and garam masala and set to one side.
To make the ring:
1. On a floured surface, roll the pastry into a long rectangle, about 30cm x 45cm.
2. Lay the slices of pepperoni down the centre of the pastry.
3. Mold the sausage meat into a long log and lay it on top of the pepperoni. Use the egg wash to brush down one side of the pastry.
4. Fold the other side over the meat and the egg washed side over to seal. Turn the roll over, so the seal is at the bottom.
5. Transfer it a large to a baking sheet lined with baking paper (a round pizza tray works really well).
6. Cut two-thirds of the way though the sausage roll roughly every 3.5-4cm, to make 10 to 12 sections, then join the two ends with the uncut side in the centre to make a ring.
7. Gently twist each piece of sausage roll over, without tearing it so the filling-side faces upward.
8. Repeat with the second length of pastry but make the pastry slightly longer about 55cm long. Line with the pepperoni and add the filling. Repeat the process the place them around the first one so you have 2 layers.
9. Brush any exposed pastry with the egg wash and sprinkle over with a mixture of the seeds.
10. Heat the oven to 180ºC and bake for 40-50 minutes until the pastry is golden and puffed, and the sausage meat is cooked through.