20 (twice)
Peels of prawns, small prawns, lobster and/or shrimps, raw
Celery, chopped
Carrots, chopped
Onions, cut in half
Tomato paste
Garlic, ball in half
Curry madras
Chili garlic sauce
Chicken stock cubes
White wine
Star anis
Parsley, stems
5 kg
300 g
300 g
400 g
150 g
1 tsp
1 tsp
10 liter
2 liter
10 pcs
2 tsp
1 tsp
1. Roast the onion halves on the range on a piece of aluminum foil until dark brown and put on a roasting trey
2. Add the celery and carrots to the trey and smear the tomato paste on top
3. Roast until the tomato paste is brown colored
4. Heat up a cooking pot until very hot. Bake the prawn mix, season well with pepper, salt and curry and color until brown/orange
5. Put the content of your roasting trey in the cooking pot, add the water (cold), wine and all other ingredients.
6. Bring to boil and then let it simmer until reduced with 1/3th. Skim the liquid on a regular basis.
7. In case you use lobster carcasses, remove them from the mix
8. Mix liquid with a bazooka mixer.
9. Filter your liquid through a chinois filter.
10. Add some crème prior to serving.
11. Add some chopped and baked shrimps as garnish (optional)