Nieuwe alinea
How to preserve your salad longer in the vegetable room.
simple hydroculture
Salad is a delicate product which will actually decay quite fast when simply kept on the shelf in the vegetable room. How can we lengthen the shelf-life? By replicating a very basic water-culture.
1. Take a big surface closed container, such as the big oven trey
2. Put on a layer of unused, clean dishwashing sponges on the bottom, soft side up. Make sure the surface is fully covered with the sponges.
3. Find a spot in the vegetable room where you want to store your salad and place the trey there. Fill the trey with water until all sponges are under. Make sure, while you water the sponges, to press down on them so they can soak up as much water as possible. Press down with clean hands.
4. Now, take the salad you want to preserve, cut off a thin slice from the stem and then cross-cut the bottom slightly, so the stem will actually be able to soak up the water.
5. Now, place the salad in the trey, stem down. Make sure to fill up your trey as much as possible. Try to keep the salad tight together. This will strengthen the leaves. One trey may, depending upon the salad, fit as much as 30 salads.
6. Make sure only the stem is pressed down in the sponge. Keep the leaves as dry as possible.
7. Top off the water every day, rinse the sponges and replace the water entirely every 5 days.
8. Only use water that is suitable for human consumption.
9. Your salad will stay firm and last a month or more.